Opens the RapidUSB.sys kernel mode WDM device driver under Windows
2000/XP, providing direct access to the USB hardware.
HANDLE OpenRapidUsb ( ULONG DeviceInstance )
function OpenRapidUsb ( DeviceInstance : Longword) : THandle; stdcall
Function OpenRapidUsb ( ByVal DeviceInstance As Long) As Long
DeviceInstance - USB device instance.
Return Value:
The RapidUSB handle value or NULL if fails. Keep this handle opened all time when you are working with RapidUSB functions and close by CloseRapidUSB() at end of application.
If the driver was successfully opened, the IsRapidUSBOpened() returns True; if the function fails, the IsRapidUSBOpened() returns False.
With RapidUSB you can support as many USB devices as you want. To select the device you need to change DeviceInstance value from 0 up to maximum number of USB device installed with RapidUSB driver. For the first application use
hUSB = OpenRapidUsb(0);
For second:
hUSB = OpenRapidUsb(1);
and so on.
See also: CloseRapidUSB IsRapidUSBOpened