Before using any of the functions of RapidIsa, the driver must be initialized with the help of the function OpenRapidIsa . It must be done once after starting the application. Also resources used by the driver should be cleaned up(driver closed) before the application is closed.
Schematic session of using RapidIsa:
| // initialize(open) the driver
| // Check if the driver initialized successfully
| //////////////////////////////////////
| ///////// RapidIsa session //////////
| ///////// ................ //////////
| //////////////////////////////////////
| // Free resources used by the driver (close the driver)
| // An error happened while opening the driver
| MessageBox("Cannot open the driver","Attention!", MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING);
Driver can be initialized by many applications simultaneously, once for each ISA board. The parameter of OpenRapidIsa() can be used to select
a device supported by RapidIsa driver.