| 1. All values are hexadecimal
| 2. All commands are case-insensitive
| 3. [size]='B' or empty for a byte value, 'W' for a word, 'D' for a double word.
| HELP, H, or ? - this help file.
| Common hardware operations
| Input a value from an I/O port.
| Example: i 378 - read LPT data port
| Output a value to an I/O port.
| Example: ow 300 1045 - write 1045h value to the port
| Read from physical memory.
| Example: peekd E000040 - read double word from the memory
| Write to physical memory.
| Example: pokew 408 278 - write 278h word value to the memory
| Print a formatted physical memory dump of a given region.
| Example: dump c0040 100 - print 256 bytes starting with c0040h address.
Note: You must enumerate all PCI devices, then open selected device before you can issue any other PCI command.
| Enumerate all PCI devices.
| Open a PCI device by the location.
| Example: pci open 01/0f/00
| Open a PCI device by the number in list printed by PCI ENUM command.
| Print a formatted header of a PCI device (first 64 bytes).
| Print a formatted dump of PCI header (all 256 bytes).
| Print a formatted dump of device-specific part of PCI header (last 192 bytes).
| Read or write PCI command register. Write if value is set.
| Example: pci command 03 - write 03h to the command register
| PCI COMMAND BIT nbit value
| Set or clear selected bit in PCI command register.
| Example: pci command 2 0 - clear bit 2 in command register
| Read PCI status register then apply the mask value if set.
| Example: pci status f7 - read PCI status register then apply f7h mask.
| I[size] BAR<number> offset
| Read a value from a register addressing by a PCI BAR number and offset.
| Example: id bar0 8 - read double word from the register addressing by BAR0 + 8.
| O[size] BAR<number> offset value
| Write a value to a register addressing by a PCI BAR number and offset.
| Example: o bar0 8 4A - write 4Ah byte value to the register addressing by BAR0 + 8.
Note: You must enumerate all USB devices, then open selected device before you can issue any other USB command.
| Enumerate all USB devices. Device number that is printed as a result of enumeration is used by USB OPEN command and in debugger scripts as parameter of OpenUsbDevice function.
| Open a USB device by the number in list printed by USB ENUM command. You can open only RapidUSB device.
| Print the connection info structure assosiated with previously opened USB device.